[스크랩] 스즈키 인젝션 차량 리미트 해제! 기어 표시 인디게이터
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스즈키 인젝션 차량 리미트 해제기능! + 기어 표시 인디게이터를 한번에!!
(개인적으로는 인디게이터만 필요했지만.. TRE 기능이 동시에 되니 좋군요)
위 사진이 세계 각국에서 판매중인 Gipro 제품입니다. 대상은 스즈키 & 가와사키용
인디게이터 색상은 레드와 블루 선택할수 있습니다.
가격은 $150 / 2만엔 요럽니다. 각자 환경에 맞는 구매를 하면 되겟죠?
저는 EBAY가 조건이 좋아서 이베이로 주문을 해두었습니다.~ 제발 북한으로 가지않기를~~
제조사 측과 딜러측에서 밝히는 성능과 기능은 아래와 같습니다.
The GIpro is a Gear Indicator with built-in Advanced Timing Retard Eliminator. This combo unit is not only the most advanced Gear Indicator on the market, but also the best TRE device available for selected Suzuki and Kawasaki motorcycles.
Gear Indicators compute gear position from engine and wheel speed, while the GIpro reads the Gear Position Sensor directly. This is why the GIpro gives faster and more reliable readings under any conditions.
The built-in Advanced TRE improves part-throttle response in lower gears. It will also improve low end torque at full throttle and disable the speed limiter on certain bike models. By default this function is turned off, and can be activated by the touch of a button. ATRE combines all the benefits of different types of TRE available today, in one single unit.
ATRE is a Switchable + Remappable + Smart + Automatic TRE.
Auto Brightness Controller ensures that display brightness is always optimal. The sensitivity level can be even fine tuned if desired.
The GIpro works well with, or without other aftermarket electronics, such as the Power Commander and SpeedoHealer.
The unit installs in about 10 minutes on most bikes and works out of the box. No cumbersome learning process is involved.
2 functions in 1 unit !
Gear Indicator |
Fast and accurate |
Instant and accurate indication of selected gear for added control and safety It's not like competing products that all suffer from lag and incorrect readings. The GIpro reads the Gear Position Sensor directly, while other units, such as Acumen DG8 and Datatool DiGi compute gear position from engine and wheel speed. This leads to unreliable readings, especially at lower road speeds. Also, these units indicate wrong gear when the clutch is slipping or disengaged. Unlike other designs, the GIpro incorporates an advanced microchip with sophisticated algorithm to filter out glitches and noise patterns on the gear position signal. The GIpro is the ONLY indicator currently available that works 100% reliably on supported Suzuki and Kawasaki bikes. |
Quick installation |
Plug-n-go wiring harness, easy to mount display Complete installation can be done in about 10 minutes on most Suzuki motorcycles (approx. 30 mins on Kawasakis). No need to remove the fairings and uninstall the instrument cluster, as with other gear indicators. |
Works out of the box |
The GIpro is pre-programmed to fit most bikes "out of the box" However, if needed, it learns the gear positions automatically. This ensures compatibility with all Suzuki/Kawasaki EFI bikes, and avoids the cumbersome learning process required by similar products. |
Large, effective display |
1 inch, extra bright display, housed in a compact box Supplied in High Efficient Red and Blue. |
One button operation |
All functions can be easily accessed with the button under the display No need to insert a separate "programming key" (Acumen DG8) or grounding a wire (Datatool DiGi). |
Auto Brightness Control |
The brightness of the display varies with the ambient light intensity The sensitivity of the sensor can be even fine tuned if desired. Random and rapid changes in light intensity are ignored to ensure the display will not flicker during the ride. |
Auto Stand-by |
This feature makes it possible to connect the power lead directly to the battery terminal When ignition is turned off, the unit enters into low power mode and consumes 3mA only. |
Robust design |
30 day money back guarantee & 2 year replacement warranty Waterproof housing Microchip on board, full SMD-design Flash memory to store user settings even with the battery disconnected In case of connection or power failure, the TRE mode reverts back to Normal operation Only inspected, high quality components are built in Each unit is extensively tested prior to shipping, guaranteed to work |
Advanced TRE |
Advanced TRE = Switchable + Remappable + Smart + Automatic TRE The closest competing products (Ivan's smart TRE, Nikko Racing G-Pack, JSD Automatic, Teka FIRE, Checkered Flag Motorsports Smart TRE, etc.) use fixed mapping and can not be disabled when needed. Nobody else makes a TRE like the ATRE integrated in GIpro! |
Switchable & |
Instant switching (with visual confirm!ation) between four modes by the touch of a button: Off, 4th Gear Map, 5th Gear Map, 6th Gear Map The button is under the display at your fingertip. No need to mount an external switch. |
Smart & Automatic |
Automatically switches off in Neutral Means smoother idle and less engine heat. No need to adjust idle speed. ONLY the GI pro has a microchip which controls TRE through a relay switch, all other "smart" TREs use a cheap transistor. |
What it does |
Improves throttle response and acceleration in gears 1 through 4. Gives smoother part-throttle response in lower gears. Improves low and mid range power at full throttle on Kawasaki models.. Bypasses the top speed restriction on GSX-R1000, GSX1300R (2001+) and DL1000 models. |
Notes |
If a TRE device is installed on a bike equipped with OEM gear indicator (2006 GSXR models & ZX14), the OEM indicator becomes useless. However, the GIpro will indicate the gear selected regardless whether the built-in TRE is activated or not. To comply with regulations for noise and emission, do not activate this function on public roads. |
영어입니다.. 어렵죠? 간단하게 풀이하면 쉽게 장착해서 기어표시 가능하고..
ATRE 기능으로 ECU 맵핑을 4단 5단 6단 선택적으로 설정이 가능하고 OFF도 가능하답니다.
몇몇 모델은 최고속도 제한을 해제하는 기능적 역활을 수행한다고 하니.. Nikko G-Pack 보다 좋은데?
예전 국내 동호회 글을 검색해보니 몇몇 까페에서 장착하신분들이 있고 현재 소수의.. -_-
분들이 TRE를 이베이에서 주문하시거나 밑에 사진과 같이 DIY 장착을 하고 계시더랍니다.
자작 TRE의 단점은 온오프라던가 4.5.6단의 저항을 하나만 셋팅해야 되는 단점이 있습니다.
물론 제작자의 능력에 따라서 바뀌겟지만요 ^^a
검색을 하다보니 2005년 하반기에 스즈키 라이더스에서 TRE 킷트를 10$ 공구해서 장착을
많이들 하신모양이더군요 ^^ http://www.jsdproducts.com/
지금 저 사이트를 가보니까 $29.95 가 되어있다는.. -_-..
만드는 방법이나 장착후기에 관한 내용은 스즈키 라이더스 까페에서 TRE 검색해보세요.
장착후기 내용들은 뭐~ 비아그라를 먹거나 녹용한사발 먹은 정도의 효과 라는데.. -_-;;;
토크가 넘 조아서 코너에서 날라간다.. 가속이 무척 빨라�다.. 등등
여하튼 이베이에서 주문한 물건이 판매자가 북한으로 보내지 않으면 장착하여
사진하고 후기를 블로그에 올릴테니 기대하세영~